Guido Cacini

was born in Lucca in 1975, his passions are mathematics, philosophy, physics, music and of course photography.

Since childhood he began to get interested in photography due to his parents who dealt with industrial photography and weddings. It is in these years that for fun begins to develop and print in the photographic darkroom his shots on black and white negatives and develops some experience with the medium analogically format. From 1990 he will stop photographing until 2008 when he start again with a more mature approach: study of technique and above all of the work of various photographers.

" In my vision of the world, the whole universe, from mass to movement, from life to current, short everything in just manifestations that the space-time fabric assumes to manage the changing energy. In this vision, we ourselves, and therefore our thinking are forms of energy , a bit as energy were the information that determines the existing.

Consequently, a work of art is nothing more than a medium that awakes , in the subject who observes it , its connection with the universe, a kind of platonic of the world of ideas. 

Continuing on this path , it follows that art does not reside in the work of art , or even in the observer, but in the communication relationship between us. In the end the work of art should be readable at different levels by different observers and have a pragmatic function as a means of connection with universe. With my images I try to arise for this purpose. "   Guido Cacini.

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As a human it is impossible not to feel interest in my species of belonging.

In my opinion the perception of reality in the result of the sum and interaction of all people ( as if people were the different antennas of a radio telescope )  and this interaction establish the reference of belonging for the self-definition of each being in his individuality in a sort of Hegelian dance of " self-consciousness ".

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Places are the containers of the evolution of experiences, emotions, history and nature of an area of the world.

The place is the space that remains imbued with all its baggage and returns its form through architecture, customs, landscapes and culture.

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Even though everything is interconnected , only occasionally do we manage to glimpse this dimension and , if we are lucky, we manage to capture its sign in our memory

Sign , for me, is the key that , in a certain moment , has opened our mind to the connection that has always existed within us with the whole , which normally muffled by mental filters that we build to make easier to interpret reality. 

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